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Collecting User Data and conducting Focus Groups



The Basics

At RISTICH, we work with entrepreneurs and brands that want to validate that an idea or product will perform well in the market. There are quite a few ways to test this with some more elaborate than others. Here are our three most common ways we market test and collect data on new concepts.

Ad Testing

We love using Google for market research as it allows us to gain a huge impression share and collect valuable data on different variable keywords. Split Testing as it’s called uses statistical methods to see if a name or product can gather more interest than another with online advertisements.

Landing Pages

Expanding on ad testing, landing pages and signups are a great way to gauge whether or not an idea has legs. By setting up a pre-order or landing page you can see how traffic reacts to a certain test and start to gather valuable customer data early in the process.


Focus Groups

One of the more expensive options, focus groups are a method in which real people are shown products or take part in surveys to see how well they react to a new idea or concept. These are usually setup with third party agencies or we can conduct them in-house to test the validity of an idea.

Let us help you perform trend and market analysis on your next idea, we can put together a portfolio of options that help you make a decision on what’s worth pursuing.

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